Sunday, March 14, 2010


Sorry about that last "depressive" blog. However, this is about the journey through grief and things like that do happen.

I am feeling much better today. We slept in super late this morning. We skipped church and had some nice family time. Nice "down" time. A
re-charge so to speak. We took Halayna to a park, after getting much needed coffee and we all played together. Then had some retail therapy (always a good thing in my mind) and came home to some "comfort" food. However after too much "comfort" food, my stomach is not a happy place so I'm now opting for a salad!

I found out that I'm not scheduled at either store (old or new) tomorrow so I suppose I have the day off. Maybe some kind of scheduling or communication error. Maybe a way of God giving me more time to
re-charge with my family. So far I'm hoping to work on Saturday at least!

Anyways, I am still irritated that everywhere I go, there always seems to be a woman with a baby. Halayna will say, "look, a baby" and I comment that yes, everyone except me has a baby... :(

Someday I suppose there will be that hope of having one live again...until then I still have to go through this sucky journey of grief. Thanks for reading along and coming beside me in prayer and putting up with my, "cup is half empty" episodes.

I have to trust in truth and not emotions at this time. Truth is that my mourning will turn into dancing and that I will be full of joy once again. So that is my hope, yet again.

Now off to more family time! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lori, this is exactly why I was hoping you'd start a blog. I think that when you are feeling these crappy feelings and recording them, you'll be able to look back and think, 'wow, look how much I've grown'.
    It is my hope that your mourning will turn into dancing. And I continue to pray for you and Daniel and your road to fertility. :)
    I have a blog that I think may be of use to you. I'll e-mail it to you. :)
    Love you more than you know my dear friend.
